DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsThe Battle of the Sexes can be sometimes downright comical and often involves nearly futile attempts to shame the other gender that simply don’t work. We see this when women frequently criticize men for “not asking for directions” and men almost universally just “laugh it off.” Most men are quite literally shameless when it comes to this behavior. Likewise, many, if not most women, cannot be effectively shamed for taking too long in the bathroom, and ignore such shaming attempts as, “Oh, just so much noise,” often increasing the frustration levels of the partner. More than one divorce ultimately results from these disparities. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
Here is yet another circumstance allowing a discussion of how people can get under each other's skin, and this often arises through misperceptions, misunderstandings, and a certain level of insensitivity to the needs of others. That insensitivity is often a consequence of prior injury where a person has toughened up, having been hurt before, and then may be slow to see the needs of others and treat them with tenderness and loving support in understanding their needs and overlooking a minor inconvenience. The inevitability of having differing perspectives is inherent in the fact that no two human beings are alike no matter how compatible they might seem to be in coming together to be friends or loved ones. There will be, inevitably, areas of misunderstanding, if only through lack of similar life experiences. But you can be sure that things seen as cultural differences or differences in gender preferences, likes and dislikes, and so on, often become points of contention and lead to trauma being doled out or experienced, and will re-echo in lifetime after lifetime. Most humans have had hundreds of lifetimes in the physical and been subjected by all of the cultural corruption to have many uneven and painful experiences at the hands of others. That history will be rumbling in the background on a deep level of the mind but below conscious awareness, and this gives rise to much inner tension and potential differences in how people might react to the same series of events, and then take umbrage if questioned or criticized when they are simply reflecting a similar level of ignorance and unawareness themselves. This is how arguments get going and the fact they can escalate and things get out of hand is more a function of what is unseen, unstated, and even unknown to the conscious level of the mind because it is often hidden in deep levels of the mind. Your prior history is stamped on your very being at a cellular level with all kinds of dark inner beliefs, tendencies, and corrupted interpretations of what might be taking place energetically, and bring forth an aberrant response that not only is unhelpful but begins to create a serious misalignment and the production of symptoms leading to a chronic illness and infirmity. This is where most physical illnesses come from and many emotional and mental ones as well. So the so-called "Battle of the Sexes" has often been a source of humor and chagrin because it keeps happening over and over again, but that is only because the past is prologue and the Law of Karma ensures what goes around comes around, and cycles of differing perspectives and inappropriate responses leading to conflict and wounding of one another become a karmic legacy that will revisit all parties involved, and likely regenerate a similar circumstance to reckon with and, if not rebalanced to resolve it, the need for healing will remain and will grow in the intensity of energy that is linked to it and acts as an incentive to pay attention and take care of old business. To not do so risks it growing to the point it becomes so overwhelming a happy life is well-nigh impossible and people can reach a kind of dead-end with endless torment and suffering.