DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA practitioner asks: “Over the past month or so and over the past two weeks particularly, I have been subjected to nonstop pain on the left side of my face including the temple area, cheekbone, jaw, teeth (upper and lower) as well as upper neck below the jaw. This is a crippling attack that is completely debilitating. Can Creator explain what brought this on, as this level of misery should have been a distant memory by now, having 3500+ sessions in addition to DSMR and daily prayers for over six years under my belt? And what can be done to see that this level of attack is brought to an end now and in the future? I’m part of Divine Life Support as well so this is doubly mystifying. At what point do the people actually doing the work to save this matrix from oblivion get the protection they need to carry out the mission?” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
We do appreciate what you are going through and understand your reaction to your suffering as being a disappointment, at a minimum, and quite trying to understand and live with. This is an unfortunate circumstance of the state of affairs, that humans are not in charge of things but the extraterrestrial realm far too much of the time. Because of the rules of engagement, we cannot simply block what they are doing as much as it would benefit human beings who are in harm's way and suffering, some quite severely. The facts of this circumstance are that it can happen to anyone at any time regardless of their history and what might have been done for self-help and assisting personal growth and strengthening. There are simply times when there is a direct assault underway and we cannot jump in front of it as though to take the blow and protect an innocent human being being targeted. What has happened here is that you are being given an object lesson in obedience in response to a query made with your deep subconscious directly, and entirely below your conscious awareness. Your very strengthening and growing knowledge and awareness, even on the level of your deep subconscious, is shifting and strengthening inner resistance to the very idea of being subjugated and toyed with. What is desired when there is an extraterrestrial checkup is obedience and subservience without hesitation. If someone is showing signs of escaping from their grip, they may well up the ante and inflict a punishment, as an object lesson, to inhibit any inclination to take independent action. We think this will be a temporary experiencing and are working already to help deflect attention away from you so this will result in your tormentors moving on to other agendas, at which point they will leave you alone once again. We cannot predict when this will be but we are working avidly to bring it about. This is not a failing of yours, it is simply the nature of the reality that, as a human being, things are stacked against you even with divine alignment and divine assistance. Things will get better in time.