DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersYou have commented that divine healing of viruses is more challenging than people might think, and that’s why taking an antiviral regimen of nutraceuticals can help speed the healing. Can you give us a tutorial about viral consciousness and the complications presented by the rules of engagement for the divine realm intervening to help problems in the physical plane of existence, even those coming from a lowly virus?
Nicola Staff asked 2 weeks ago
The problem of dealing with viruses and their removal will be difficult for human beings to fully understand in terms of the complications and the nuances involved. You are used to thinking of viruses as akin to some kind of bug, albeit a very, very, tiny one, and bugs are to be stepped on. Germs are to be eradicated. This is why antibiotics were sought and developed to kill germs and take care of an infection, usually very promptly, unless the treatment failed because of resistance of the offending organism needing a different kind of chemical. As human chemists have found, it is not any simpler to devise inhibitors of viral function and pathogenicity, yet there are many substances in nature that have been adapted and extended in various ways to take advantage of their built-in capability to inhibit one or more steps involved in the virus lifecycle. The ideal regimen is one containing multiple points of attack by a group of phytonutrients, because these were designed by us to be present and provide at a minimum, a holding action, if not a total answer in every case, for surviving viral attack. The problem we have in dealing with viruses is that they have a consciousness of their own. They are, indeed, life forms although we understand this is still an area of uncertainty and vigorous debate by your scientists looking at their minimalist functionality, at least from their perspective, being ignorant of the workings of consciousness. This means that because everything in existence has consciousness, everything you contend with and exists as a part of your world and environment has an active stake in things and an active role it plays by its very existence, and will inherently have its own intentions, as does all consciousness. In the case of infectious microorganisms, including viruses, all are a product of extraterrestrial manipulations through their advanced technological capabilities, to impart properties of their own choosing, wanting to devise more potent predatory behavior and for them to be highly toxic and possibly lethal, in many cases, for living things. Sometimes animals are the target, but most of all, humans and human physiology are the target. So as the Creator of All That Is, and given that we have a pact with humanity and other soul-based beings in your galaxy to allow free agency and free will, the fact that extraterrestrial races of beings have advanced technological prowess and a diabolical agenda from being dragged down by the rise of evil, has created this situation. They turned to their own science to pervert it to a darkened use in working to craft microorganisms and other hybrid technologies to make them predatory and dangerous. So a virus is far from something that is like a simple chemical that might have a structure that interferes with chemistry of human cells, for example, and acts as an excess of poison to disrupt an essential pathway resulting in the lethality of the cell, and hence eventually the host altogether. In the case of viruses being a living thing with its own agenda, its own intentions, its own thoughts, perspectives, and proclivities that are inherent with its makeup, this becomes more of a balancing act for us. Under the rules of engagement, we cannot simply come in and stomp out a viral infection by killing all the virus particles wholesale. To do so means going against much consciousness of these beings, as well as the consciousness and intention of their creators, who modified harmless viruses to make them dangerous and potentially lethal to cells hosting their presence and assisting them with their lifecycle of production and dissemination as a kind of parasite. Being in the physical plane, viruses are truly your responsibility, as is true for everything in the universe which you encounter and interact with. If there is a problem or a competition of some kind, this is for you to figure out how to resolve and strike a necessary balance. In many cases, the answer might be live and let live, and simply to avoid something dangerous like going into the mouth of a volcano. By the same token, you have learned as a human being it is unwise to pick up a snake that is roaming in nature unless you are certain of what species it might be and its potential to cause harm. Our plan for you was to have a loving nest and to have many life forms of all kinds to provide richness, variety, and many opportunities for learning through having choices to make about how to navigate and ways to utilize things in your environment or avoid them, as the case may be, if there is a potential hazard. In most cases, things in the environment at the outset of human existence were mostly very benign and intentionally so. This has changed tremendously. The many species causing trouble in your world across many kinds of life forms, from the microscopic to the large-scale plants and animals that may be a kind of scourge, were actually brought to the Earth by extraterrestrials to cause you trouble, drag your world down, and you with it. And that is true of all of the microbial pathogens that are lethal. They are of extraterrestrial origin. They were not meant for your world but many were created as object lessons for the worlds of the extraterrestrials who have become apex predators and have a huge negative karmic legacy. True to form, their perverse nature has allowed them to harness many harmful species intended to teach them karmic lessons through mirroring their own negativity and evil impulses, and not only use them as weapons but manipulate them to further accentuate their dangerous characteristics. And that is what is done to create the infectious viruses and bacterial pathogens they inflict on you. So for us to intervene to block an infection, means not only countering the intentions of the virus itself, but the intentions of their originators, as there is a karmic interplay and interconnection as the viruses are an extension of their evil producers. As soul-based beings, the extraterrestrials cannot be summarily commandeered and sidelined. They have free agency and free will, at least up to now. So we must respect the rules of engagement to not interfere with their choices. We do work to counteract their negativity and their dark agenda, but this can only be done with great care and at the request of someone from the physical plane wanting our involvement and assistance directly. Without being invited, we cannot just insert our own agenda into what the consciousness of physical beings might be up to, and that is as true of a lowly seeming virus as an advanced extraterrestrial being who has become misguided and bereft of morality, from long ago losing their way spiritually and becoming largely cut off from us and unaware of our existence as their Creator. And that has cost them dearly because they have lost their standards and do not appreciate their dark ways are slowly destroying them as well as the many things they toy with and end up killing. Because a viral pathogen, carefully nurtured and honed to a high level of effectiveness in attacking human beings and causing unpleasant and dangerous symptoms, has a high level of intensity in its energetics due to being launched by a multi-planetary dark alliance of extraterrestrials, the viral pathogens are a true force to reckon with. An additional difficulty is the fact that when under attack and the viruses establish a foothold within the tissues of the body, this will generate millions of new viral particles, each with an individual consciousness. Depending on the origin and history of its forebears, individual virus particles of a given species may vary significantly in their savagery and other properties due to the karmic entanglement of where their ancestors have been and what they have brought about and the karmic consequences of all that took place. That karmic history is not so different than yours being part of your makeup so that you are influenced over and over again by your history, your heritage, and your individual life experiences. While this is of a more primitive sort and a more restricted set of variables, having an invasive life form wanting to take you over and perhaps kill you while doing so is a rather narrow range of capabilities, but becomes a very important real-world problem if it makes you gravely ill or kills you, eventually. For us to heal the onslaught of invaders represented by microbial attack is much like a military campaign involving large numbers of combatants, and a highly variable set of conditions and scenarios very much akin to a war, where the invading organisms want to gain a foothold, increase their numbers, and disseminate them to infect others. And in many cases, they seek to find a safe harbor for an indefinite period of time in their host where they can survive while causing harm but not a lethal level of damage, ideally, because that would work against their own survival, potentially. Not only is this an apt parallel, it speaks to the level of intensity, and difficulty we have to counter it. This is not so different from dealing with troubled human beings who may be attacking someone they consider an enemy and have a long history of animosity and, indeed, a grudge match going in many cases. That development of bad blood, over time, creates a highly charged and dangerous situation. When humans choose to engage in acts of violence, this is a challenge for us. We cannot simply jump into the fray and shield potential victims from a perpetrator. We work behind the scenes, following our rules of engagement. We must work to heal the problem and that requires doing much on other timelines, often working to help repair the past and reduce the extremes of the present by healing the buildup of the problem, and thus preventing the worst and most intense negativity that builds over time to a formidable degree. That healing takes great lengths of time in many cases. Even in the case of a simple virus, its history as a kind of bioweapon whose purpose is to harm means it has the attributes of a predator seeking to dominate, commandeer, suppress, and subjugate its victims, bending them to its will to get what it needs regardless of the secondary consequences for those it attacks. It is designed to damage the host in the first place and it has many innate characteristics to assist this dark agenda in its composition and potential to interact in ways that undermine the host. The most elegant way to stop such entities is to heal how they came to acquire those characteristics making them a danger to others, and heal the intent in their creation. That will take considerable time as it is very much desiring an end result involved with the broad agenda of solving the problem of evil. For the host of an infectious viral pathogen, time may well run out before the divine healing can begin to have an effect in the present moment within that unwitting host, harboring viruses that may well double in numbers within hours. So this overview explains why these problems exist and why they are not simple for us to stop on your behalf, even with a direct request for a cure by someone suffering and desperately wanting relief. This is also the reason why we have supported your channel in devising an effective antiviral regimen of nutritional supplements that capitalizes on the existence of many phytonutrients that, when ingested by humans, will exhibit antiviral benefits. Like a pharmaceutical designed for symptomatic relief of an illness, and an antibiotic that provides a chemical capable of killing bacterial cells, antiviral substances designed into nature can be combined in a way to provide multiple points of attack to neutralize an ongoing horde of invading viruses. Even if it cannot completely eradicate viruses deeply ensconced in tissues and, in effect, hiding from sight, by getting the numbers reduced to a very low level, this will usually resolve symptoms and allow a person hosting the virus to recover and have a normal-seeming life. It will also buy time for the ongoing divine healing to help eradicate the remaining virus, and that might well happen over time. All of the work we do through the efforts of the healing protocols devised by your channel, is in support of a human-divine partnership. A human practitioner of the protocols is in the lead, making a series of high-level informed requests, based on a knowledge of how the divine realm carries out healing. So this gives us the permission from the human side to intervene, and necessary instructions to carry out the very steps most likely to be of benefit, rather than a vague cry for help which would require us to take over the lead almost entirely, and that we cannot do. Again, because of the rules of engagement, we must follow your lead and not take over the lead ourselves. This is why it is very hard for us to help the ignorant, the innocent victims plagued by many difficulties of all kinds that are engineered by your extraterrestrial overseers. Knowing they have the upper hand, they take great delight in torturing you with what seem to be forces of nature, but is often their advanced technology perverting things in a way that is harmful. As humans are a relatively young race and not as advanced in understanding natural forces and, in particular, the intentions and strategies of these predators in your midst, humans are easy prey for the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the many minions they enlist to attack you, including life forms of all kinds. So again, what is needed is a human-divine partnership with informed healing requests from the human side, enlisting us to intervene with an appropriate array of divine interventions capable of dealing with the many scourges inflicted on humanity. Because we cannot lead using our own energy to do so, all we have to work with is the human intentions you bring to bear for any individual situation needing divine assistance. This is why a practitioner of the protocols working on your behalf can make all the difference in providing the right intentions, based on information content, through understanding what is truly needed. But even so, there are many difficulties and constraints, given that human intention only has so much power. Fortunately, the protocols have a built-in series of leveraging steps to pool and re-utilize human intentions and the intentions of other beings with a stake in what is taking place. That is why the protocols are the only answer that is able to defeat these serious problems and create an opportunity for victory.