DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindA viewer asks: “Communication breakdowns cause hurt in many walks of life. The type of verbal communication with a spouse, for example, can significantly affect the kind of relationship that will exist between them. Criticisms, defensiveness, silence, and feeling misunderstood are just a few signs of communication problems in a relationship. Common psychological advice includes active listening, being empathetic, seeking to understand rather than win, etc. While these strategies can be helpful to some, their success depends on each partner’s willingness to engage, adapt, and learn to apply them consistently. What is Creator’s advice on this type of advice? Is it naïve? What’s a better approach?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
This is a surface-level treatment that is naïve at best in the absence of a deep understanding of the actual workings of soul-based beings who are in the physical and have been altered to be dysfunctional in major respects. Being cut off from your largest part of the mind, the deep subconscious, results in all sorts of misunderstandings and inner conflicts. Not knowing your own history, the karmic imperatives being directed your way from what has taken place on many parallel lifetimes, keeps you in the dark about why you are the way you are, particularly with respect to limitations, vulnerabilities, and sensitivity to many potential hot buttons and sore points that become a bone of contention in interpersonal relationships and lead to arguments, misunderstandings, anger, resentment, and grudges. People remain as children with regard to the big picture, never truly understanding their place in things and why things are the way they are, let alone why they react the way they do to life events and the interpersonal contacts they must engage with and work to be productive. GetWisdom is bringing forward the deeper understanding of the levels of the mind and the human makeup being an expression of divine consciousness from a soul makeup, and, importantly, that it is the development of inner beliefs and the successful and balanced expression of soul attributes that determines who you are in creating those elusive concepts of personality, makeup, and character. This is why the healing protocols, to address what is out of alignment, are the key to human progress and betterment. You cannot change your beliefs through force of will, nor can you create a soul attribute that is weak or missing, on your own. You need divine help; that is what is missing from human psychology—it leaves God out and everything related to the spiritual and the metaphysical underpinnings that connect everything together—so human approaches to healing will never work totally, because they do not understand the fundamental mechanisms of life, and lack the tools to do what is needed to meaningfully address people's issues.