DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialA viewer asks: “I am mystified as to why humans are in a position to solve evil and save the universe. Humans do not have the capabilities that the ETs have—shape-shifting, psychic abilities, as well as the advanced technical and scientific know-how with access beyond the Earth. We are in a compromised position. And yet, Source Creator has His hopes on the human to save His creation and, despite our fragility, we seem to be succeeding. What is it about the human that makes us capable of achieving the saving of humanity, other ET species, and the universe, despite our lack of any physical or technical “superpowers?” Are there any other races, elsewhere in our galaxy, currently doing the same thing as us?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 8 months ago
You are the only chance for overcoming the rise of evil in your galaxy, and it is because none of the things you list as advantages held by the extraterrestrials are needed at all by you to bring victory. What makes you able to do something greater than the extraterrestrial opposition is that you are more divine, meaning you are more in divine alignment, more aware of the divine, and thus capable of human-divine partnership. The extraterrestrials cannot do this; they are atheists and would laugh at the very idea. While they are intelligent, technologically advanced, and possessed of many talents like psychic ability, shape-shifting, and so forth, depending on the species, they have squandered their opportunity to grow and flourish. They have lost their way and it is precisely because they became so enamored of technology that they lost their edge. Technology is no substitute for divinity, it is a contrivance of the physical plane on the part of beings who have nothing greater to work with that will bring true value to their lives. The extraterrestrials have turned to technology to have greater power. Living a life fully is not a function of level of power, but the level of love shared with others and with the self. That is the great distinction between you and them, that you can love and they cannot. That is your strength and is entirely separate from your physical capabilities and any other attributes like intelligence and intuitive ability. Humans can win and we expect this will be so by partnering with us as an exercise in bestowing love, in the form of high‑level healing, to repair the enormous damage that has been done in the absence of belief in the divine.