DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceCan you tell the wife of a recent suicide victim, why her husband took his life by shooting himself in the next room while she slept? Was there anything she could have done to prevent this tragedy?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
His was a troubled existence in many ways and this was a problem that had been building for quite some time, not all apparent on the surface. The underpinnings are extensive and involve multiple lifetimes. It is not appropriate for us to burden her with the tawdry details of his past struggles and failures, but they represented a large backlog of unmet healing needs and karmically, became quite a liability. The Law of Karma is relentless in pursuing each and every being, to precipitate a reckoning with prior karmic trauma. The intentions are lofty in providing a stimulus, with the intention the person who is being reminded of prior difficulty is getting up a wake-up call and a prompting to take action, hopefully, to work on healing what took place so things can proceed in a way higher and better for their soul progress. Unfortunately, that does not always transpire. Sometimes, a karmic reawakening becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back, so to speak, and tips the balance in a wrong direction when things become overwhelming and cannot be handled without a breakdown of some kind. That is the point your dear husband reached in his struggle, that just one more thing was too much to carry and for too long, having developed over the course of a lifetime through a series of struggles and perceived setbacks that reminded him more and more of past failures on a deep subconscious level. Much of his struggle was outside his conscious awareness. That is what makes it so very difficult to understand and to deal with effectively. If you know you have a problem, you can get help because the facts of the matter are all too apparent. But when someone is struggling in the depths of their mind with prior lifetimes of tragic loss and perceived failure, but not aware of it consciously, yet feel within the impact of that emotional turmoil, life is not only disappointing but a mystery and a conundrum with no seeming answers. Even talking about his problems with someone else was not fully possible because he, himself, was not able to understand or define the severity of his emotional state in any way that made logical sense. This is the dilemma of people in the grip of extreme emotional struggles that reach the point of overwhelm. It is because it is a mystery that it is so impossible to reckon with. This is very important for you to hear, in light of your conversation with your channel in feeling regret now about your past interactions with him, and wondering if you could have somehow changed the course of events. In the same way that he reached a breaking point and kept you in the dark about his intention, there is no way you would be able to help him, because he, himself, could not have described why he was in the depths of despair, in the grip of dark forces deep within. That is a flaw in the system, that humans are disconnected from the deep subconscious mind, the largest part of the mind, in fact, and the part that is often the most troubled and in a constant struggle. This is because it will be seeing what took place in multiple lifetimes of difficulty, which is all too common a human circumstance given that past history has been challenging for most people in the course of many lifetimes where things went wrong and people died young and faced obstacles they could not surmount, and experienced failure over and over and often blamed themselves wrongly for what was largely beyond their control to begin with. And that is a perfect explanation for the tragic life just ended. He blamed himself, wrongly, for things that were largely beyond his control to begin with. And the same is doubly true for you. No one could have given him what he needed through words alone, or any practical intervention involving one human reaching out to another. What we can reassure you of, is that his future will be far better now, not because he ended his life but because you are giving him his life back in a very direct and meaningful way in asking for divine help, because your channel will be applying the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset on his behalf to keep healing going and being worked on continually, across timelines. This is precisely what was needed but did not come in time, unfortunately, before he reached the breaking point. That is not at all uncommon because of the difficulty of the healing challenge people face and the fact that divine healing is slow work because of the complexity and sheer volume of circumstances, events, influencing people, and the emotional consequences happening in life after life, all of which needs to be unraveled and dealt with in a very delicate, deliberate, systematic way. It must be worked on without disrupting the lives of others, but only helping. That is a tall challenge and it often means slow going to allow time for things to develop before going to a next step. That is why it is a long and drawn-out process. I cannot be done quickly because that would cause too many disruptions for too many. So you see, even we would have a hard time, even if you knew in advance this was coming and asked for our help in earnest. We could not have headed this off because of the need to proceed working from the past towards the current time point, and there would not have been time. But what we want to reassure you about is, given that the healing requests have been launched, in the context of how things came to this impasse, it can still be worked on across time. Even though he is gone from the physical, we can go back into the past and keep working on all the prior lifetimes and even up into the current incarnation just ended. What that will do is to ensure his future will be free of this dark legacy that got the better of him and dragged him under. This will be healed now, thanks to you and your involvement with GetWisdom and your trust in us to be of help. That is no small thing. It is a beautiful and loving contribution to the saving of a soul.