DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolYou have told us not to encourage use of code words to launch an LHP session. Yet, rare individuals may be preconfigured in the light to enable this. Is it acceptable to tell practitioners it is okay to set up a code word to launch both the LHP and DSMR, knowing that only in rare instances will the LHP get done? Where is the harm, assuming they are not wasting significant time and energy to try augmenting their spiritual reach?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
We do not object to this very clear statement of potential benefit as long as it is understood that in most cases, including the LHP will not be acted on and is wasted motion, albeit of a minimal nature. It is important to guard against people substituting code word LHP sessions for actual sessions because of the low probability in any given case, that we can act on their code word request. This will allow people in the absence of having a definitive assessment of their standing to not miss an opportunity to add extra healing if they have the inherent capability, personally, to use a code word successfully.