DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionA viewer asks: “In the past, I’ve had healing work done for my teen son with GetWisdom. Lately, he’s displaying cold, unfeeling almost sociopathic behavior with no emotion whereas it has affected me almost to the brink of insanity. There are glimpses of warmth from time to time but I have no idea who or what I’m dealing with. He’s obsessed with Hitler, speaks nonsensical German, walks around the house with the Nazi march and tells disgusting racist jokes. Can Creator tell me if the reason for these behaviors is that he’s plagued by spirit meddlers, he’s not human, he’s a sociopath, he’s on the spectrum, etc…? I need the truth of what I’m dealing with and how to proceed before I have a nervous breakdown.” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
This is a classic example of possession by spirit meddlers. Their classic modus operandi is to work at further disconnecting a person from their higher self. This gives them more power to influence their host and that is what you are seeing on display with his exhibiting an affinity for dark themes and iconic symbols. These are projections of that spirit possession having shaped his thinking. They work to cultivate a kind of imprint on the mind, a kind of closed-circuit of thoughts and feelings that lead to problem behavior. So whether or not spirits are present, as long as that mind circuit is in place and unopposed it can take over his attention and will be a strong influence he will have trouble to reckon with. Being that it is a part of himself, this is harder for us to simply extirpate it, to end the manipulation. It falls, still, within the umbrella of free will even though it is self-limiting and self-destructive. He will be quite prone to spirit possession while under this influence despite the clearings that have been done. The only answer is to keep at it, to keep the healing coming because he is energetically receptive to an intrusion when he is in the grip of this mind looping circuit. With enough healing, he will gain in strength and resistance and that will make it easier for him to remain spirit-free for longer and longer periods of time and eventually, gain higher ground. This alteration of the mind needs healing and this is an ideal situation to be doing not only the LHP, but DSMR sessions, as those will target this part of the mind, especially, and are the key to an eventual cessation of the need within to engage in a habit-like way that can become an obsession. If you continue the healing work, we will eventually be able to dial this back and signs will lessen of his being transported into a cold character that is remote and drawn to these associations. We understand your fear and despair here, but this is simply a problem in need of your help as a solution, and still a work in progress. You are making strides despite the seeming continuation of his disconnection. Much has to be done first, for that to shift. You will not see a gradual tapering for some time yet. That is unfortunate, but simply must be dealt with. You have the answer for him in your wherewithal to request divine healing. If you use that tool, you will help him tremendously over time.