DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “I finally purchased a Catholic Bible and I’m doing a biweekly study with a group at our church, and since I’ve never had this version, which has a couple of extra books, I started reading the book of Tobit. In chapters 6-11 there’s a story that’s eerily similar to the one Karl mentioned in the weekend webinar about the woman and her husband who had that issue of her husbands always dying young until it was resolved via the LHP and DSMR. In the book of Tobit, a demon called Asmodeus had previously killed all seven of the different men betrothed in marriage to Sarah the night of the wedding before any of them had a chance to be with her. Sarah wanted to die but Tobias, the son of Tobit, encountered Raphael, an angel who was sent to walk with him incognito on a journey and ultimately facilitated the marriage contract between Tobias and Sarah. Raphael and Tobias encountered a large fish that jumped out of the water and Raphael told Tobias to take it, clean it, and save the heart, liver, and gallbladder. Later the heart and liver were used over incense to banish the demon and the gall was used to clear a white film from Tobit’s eyes, which had left him blind for 4 years. What can Creator tell us about this method of banishment of demons and healing?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This was an early example of divine-human partnership to create a meaningful collaboration by giving a human being a kind of ritual allowing them to form a meaningful and specific intent for healing with an advance expectation, through divine grace in the archangel exchange of knowledge, that it would be met with divine support and be successful. So what this story represents is a preview of coming attractions, in effect, resembling what you and your compatriots are doing today, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, to form a human-divine partnership using divine wisdom imparted to you in advance through the communications given uniquely to your channel who has shared them with others so they, too, can help other soul-based beings to heal. The healing of today, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, are a more elegant form of communication between the partners here—you, as human beings, and Creator, as your partner—than was possible in biblical times when there was no appreciation of how healing by the divine realm is conducted and words did not exist for the many phenomena involved, the intricate manipulations, and the reason for them to be needed. So we can tell you that that early healing, using the ritual of fish parts applied to the afflicted, was an extension of divine grace, with a recognition it was the best the divine could do given the limited knowledge from humans being in such a state of ignorance about how to form a meaningful, high-level, knowledgeable, and specific request for healing being absent from the culture at that early period of history. The take‑home message here is that it has always been the case that humans are in charge of their world, and that ignorance and subjugation by interlopers is why humanity has been held back for so long with its progress, and only today are things truly advancing with true wisdom about what is needed for saving and healing humanity from the darkness in your world.